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Thai Education Systems

About Thai Education


The Thai educational system has developed ever since the 19th century. The system has been made more accessible to all residents, and the curriculum has been modified to meet the shifting requirements of society. The Thai educational system is currently one of Southeast Asia's most advanced.

The Thai education system is divided into four levels:

  1. Preschool: This level is optional and lasts for two years.
  2. Primary school: This level is compulsory and lasts for six years.
  3. Lower secondary school: This level is compulsory and lasts for three years.
  4. Upper secondary school: This level is optional and lasts for three years.

Students have two options after upper secondary school: continue their education at a university or find employment.

Up until the end of lower secondary school, the Thai government offers free education to every student. There are, nevertheless, a sizable number of private schools in Thailand that charge tuition.

The 1999 National Education Act serves as the framework for the Thai educational system. This law outlines Thailand's educational objectives, which include the following:

  • Developing students' knowledge, skills, and values.
  • Preparing students for life and work.
  • Promoting national unity and development.

The Thai education system is also committed to promoting gender equality and inclusive education.

The quality of education in Thailand varies depending on the school. However, overall, the Thai education system is considered to be of good quality.

The advancement of the Thai educational system has been rapid. It is currently one of Southeast Asia's most developed countries. All Thai citizens will receive high-quality education from the government, and efforts are being made to alleviate the system's ongoing problems.

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